domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2017


The Islamic stock exchanges in Europe are among the most subsidized halogen communities. In Holland first, in the United Kingdom, in France, in Spain, in Italy, in Belgium, the programs to achieve the "integration" of Islam into the host societies have failed, one after the other, resoundingly, and it does not matter where These bags of immigration have proceeded, whether from the Maghreb, from sub-Saharan Africa or from the Arab world. There has not been, and it is good to remember, not a single national project of integration of Islamist immigration, nor of the right, nor of the left, nor generous, nor stubborn in the donation of subsidies, which has been crowned with a minimum success. In fact, the more funds are dispensed to the issue, the less results are obtained
Negative consequences of immigration. The growth of the non-productive population of immigrant origin.

You do not understand, you do not want to understand, that for the Muslims, the West is a world that must be conquered, punished, and subjected to Islam.
What logic does it have to respect who does not respect us, what dignity does it have to defend the culture or presumed culture of those who despise ours?

With the sons of Allah the conflict will be hard. Unless Europe quenches its fear and reason a little and lend a hand. The Pope included. The worst for everyone is still to come. Here is the truth. And the truth is not necessarily placed in the middle. Sometimes it is only on one side.
Where has your secularism gone? Where has the Sun of the Future gone, the freedom, the justice, the rejection, the interference exercised by the ecclesiastical authorities in the life of the citizen?

Reason with them, unthinkable. Treat them with indulgence, tolerance or hope, a suicide.
Europe died in Auschwitz. . . We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 50 million Muslims. At Auschwitz we burn a culture, thought, creativity, talent. We destroy the chosen people, truly chosen, because they produced the great and wonderful people who changed the world.

Now, on the part of the political class of the system and its media, both nationally and European, we can only read about the event, between indignation and stupor, it's indoctrinating discourse of the "alliance of civilizations", which does not It comes out of its nefarious passive, ambiguous, manipulated and cowardly line, where they place on the same level, the logical growth of the rejection of Islam in Europe with the jihadist conflict, differentiating, this time, the Islamists in "moderate and radical". This system is portrayed very well without anyone's help.

Against Islam, the defense of Christian values. Europe will be Christian or it will not be. Spain, Europe Wake up!
Our current "representatives" do not want, and above all, they do not know how to fight this. The NOM has been choosing the political candidates for many years, so that, whatever the chosen option, they always come out mediocre: people without sense of responsibility and intellectually diminished, so that the true masters of the world can handle them to their whim. The democracy that currently prevails in Europe always expels the best.

"Laicism", abortion, gender ideology, destruction of the traditional family, decrease in birth rate, "manufactured" economic crises, leftist ideas, anti-patriotism, globalism, multiculturalism, etc ... All thought to end our identity, our culture and our lives.

If it does not represent the Islam they represent? They are Buddhists, or Christians or Jews, they are NOT Islamic who since its foundation have murdered millions of people in the whole world. Where they pass everything they devastate. Afghanistan was one DAY a democratic nation and see what it is today. Iraq with a population of more than 20,000,000 Christians today does not reach 200,000. Of the 64 Muslim nations in the world, there is no one that guarantees human rights.

In the year 639 the Arabs invaded Egypt and Christianity ceased to be the majority religion in the country. Christians "have endured and forgiven all kinds of attacks": 1400 years of "Islamist" Muslim persecution. When the Mohammedans occupied the Egyptian lands, the Christians had been there for 600 years. 201.

We have declared war, what happens with the attacks that have occurred in Europe, Muslims do not lie in their intentions. You lie to us about our party career politicians but without leadership.
In Europe there are no leaders. From Churchill. Margaret Tacher and the President of Hungary, there are no LEADERS only short-term politicians with no preparation or desire to defend Europeans.

While the Pope asks the parishes of Europe to welcome refugees, a Hungarian bishop breaks the taboo: "They are not refugees, but invaders who come shouting Allahu Akbar."
In the name of tolerance, Europe and is opening its doors to intolerance. In the name of democracy, the risk is to see your children and grandchildren live in a totally different society in which non-believers or believers of other religions, the dhimmis, will have fewer rights than the majority of the population.
This would mean a return to the worst moments of medieval religious domination that Europe had known in the past and from which it has been happily liberated.

European values ​​hard won after centuries of struggle, will Europe risk liquidating them simply because of an immigration that ultimately leads to a fundamental change in the composition of society? Should the realm of "political correctness" prevent you from denouncing Europe's long-term risk? Diversity is a theoretical factor of mutual enrichment, but the observation of Muslim majority countries shows that multiculturalism does not intend to prosper.

Meanwhile, the tentacles of the giant EU bureaucracy insinuate regulations on every conceivable topic. Some examples of this are ridiculous; others are fun. But this is the sinister face of the European bureaucracy:

* Promotion of an official "federal ideology of the EU" invoking multiculturalism;
* Report as "xenophobic" all those who wish to preserve democracy at the level of the nation-state;
* Call "racists" to those who want to limit third world immigration.

A report by the EU's anti-racism alert service has said that more must be done to combat racism and "Islamophobia". One method to achieve this is the promotion of a lexicon that avoids offensive and culturally insensitive terms. This lexicon would establish the guidelines to prohibit EU officials and politicians from using certain terms. "Islamic terrorism" is a term we will not use [...] we will speak of "terrorists who invoke Islam abusively," said an EU official.

"There is an extended resignation to the fact that multiculturalists control the media, academies, state agencies, and so on, people know that if they want to get ahead in European society, they should not question multicultural orthodoxy. The political regime seems firmly established, immovable, unchangeable.

There may be an extended rage, but in the long run an impotent rage. They have educated Europeans to be passive, to let their leaders make decisions, whose wisdom is guaranteed as they have always been told. Getting rid of this kind of indoctrination that has lasted a lifetime is not easy. "
"Before writing a sentence, you turn on the automatic censorship pilot to ask: Who am I insulting now? Am I too pro-Israeli or maybe anti-feminist or anti-Islamic? Am I" progressive "enough? decaffeinated language: obediently we will repeat all benign mantras such as "dialogue", "pluralism",
"reconciliation" and "equality".

Norway has never been a totalitarian country, but many people now feel the oppression and feel that they are muzzling them. I know many smart Norwegians - and even wiser foreigners - who no longer want to waste time collaborating with a castrated and paranoid democracy. We prefer security to freedom. And this is the first step towards voluntary submission. "

It is shocking to hear people who have lived in communist countries say that now they see this totalitarian impulse working in Western Europe. According to her, in the West we have a brainwashing done by the ideology of multiculturalism and political correctness like the one they had under communism.
It's scary because I think she's right. Have we witnessed the fall of the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe to see how an iron veil falls over Western Europe?
The iron veil of the EU bureaucracy, the betrayal of the Eurabians, the political correctness, the multicultural censorship of the media and the omnipresent threat of Muslim violence and terrorism that are gradually quenching the discourse free.

The impetus of bureaucratic betrayal is accelerating.
Native Europeans and non-Muslim immigrants are quietly leaving in increasing numbers, gradually turning the continent into an exporter of refugees rather than an importer of them. When large parts of Europe are being conquered by barbarians - aided and abetted actively by our own leaders we trust - and when people are forbidden from opposing this attack, is Western Europe still a significant part of the free world? Have the Eastern European countries come to another "empire of evil"? Have they returned to the EURSS and we with them?

Vaclav Klaus, the conservative president of the Republic He has complained about this: "Every time I try to take something away from Soviet-era regulation, they tell me that what I am trying to eliminate is a requirement of the Commission of the European Communities."
In an interview with Paul Belien in February 2006, Vladimir Bukovksy warned that the European Union is on the way to becoming another Soviet Union. Mr. Bukovsky called the EU a "monster" that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it becomes a totalitarian state of high flight.
Is the EU an instrument to end wars? In October 2006, Michel Thoomis, the General Secretary of the French Union of Police, warned that a civil war is developing in France created by Muslim immigrants:

"We are in a state of civil war orchestrated by radical Islamists.

This is no longer a matter of urban violence, it is an intifada with stones and Molotov cocktails. There are two or three young people who face the police, they are whole blocks of flats that are thrown out to the street to free their "comrades" when they arrest them. "
European elites allowed these Muslim immigrants to enter and now they want European citizens to celebrate with cakes and songs. While civil society is disintegrating in Western Europe due to Islamic pressures, EU authorities are working to increase Muslim immigration while congratulating themselves for bringing peace to the continent

What peace? Where?

The European Union functions as an intermediate stage of a sinister project that wants a fusion of traditional European culture that will be replaced by a new Eurabian cocktail. And he asks: "When the subversive surrender is hidden behind the veil of the" Dialogue ", what unspeakable ambitions can be hidden behind the noble word" Constitution "?"

The private secretary of Pope Benedict XVI, Georg Gänswein, considers, in an interview granted to the magazine of a German newspaper (SZ), that there is currently an attempt at "Islamization of the West".
"The attempts of Islamization in the West can not be ignored", and the Pontiff adds: "the associated risk to the identity of Europe should not be ignored".
After defending the controversial speech that the Pope delivered in September in Regensburg, in the federal state of Bavaria, Gänswein said that "the Pope just wanted to react against a certain naivety." In his speech, Benedict XVI quoted a Byzantine emperor who said that in Islam "you can only find evil and dehumanization", a phrase that, despite being true, aroused protests at the world level.

Despite these warnings, there is no special concern in the West. Like the old Roman Empire, it is unprepared and defenseless in the face of the real danger posed by Islam. Little can be done about terrorism and the fanaticism of Islam. Neither the appeal to the Alliance of civilizations, nor the recourse to interreligious and intercultural dialogue, nor the police and military means are sufficient to eradicate this danger that threatens the West.

 A moral and real rearmament is required to return to our roots.

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