sábado, 16 de diciembre de 2017


Islam is a paradoxical cult for non-Muslims. On the one hand, they are trying to present it as a religion of peace, on the other, followers of that religion are responsible for many terrorist attacks for some time.
Specifically since 2001, 24,000 dead only in terrorist attacks, not official wars. The apologists of Islam put the emphasis on the very high standards of morality and others say that it is a cult based on the law. The dual notion of truth and falsehood in Islam reveal that paradoxical nature. While the Qur'an is against deception among the faithful, "God will not guide the one who delights in the lie", the deception aimed at non-Muslims, generally known as taqiyya, has Koranic support and goes into what is legally allowed to Muslims. 
Taqiyya offers two basic uses. The first has to do with the development of the internal and personal concept of religion, especially when there is fear of possible persecution. OFTEN used by the Chii community to avoid the Sunni threat The Sunni Muslims, far from suffering persecution, whenever they have wanted and been able, have launched a jihad against the infidels. And they have given the taqiyya another more warlike sense. I do not dissimulate, active deception. In fact, the tactic of deception, which is doctrinally based on Islam, is considered equal or superior to other military techniques such as courage, force or self-sacrifice.
If according to some theologians, Muslims are taught to be sincere, how can deception, not only be prevalent but be sanctioned by the divine law? What exactly is the taqiyya ?.
How is it justified by the Ulema and those who make use of that concept? How is it understood within a broad ethical code, especially in its relationship with infidels? Further, what ramifications does this doctrine of taqiyya have for the interactions between Muslims and infidels?
According to sharia (the legal body of rules that defines how a Muslim should behave in all circumstances), deception is not only allowed in certain situations, it is mandatory. Opposed to the Christian tradition, for example, Muslims forced to choose between leaving Islam or suffering persecution are allowed to lie and pretend to be apostates. Other scholars say it is an obligation to preserve their safety, based on verses from the Koran that prohibit a Muslim from being an instrument in his own death.
This is the classical definition of taqiyya. Based on the meaning of the Arabic word, taqiyya (demonstration of fear), Western scholars have understood this as a spring before religious persecution and used mostly by the Shi minority living among Sunnis. This appeal has allowed the Shiites to deny their religious affiliations to the Sunnis on a regular basis, not only by maintaining their religious secrecy but actively by praying with Sunnis.
However, one of the few devoted books on this subject (At-Taqiyya fi'l-Islam: Dissimulation in Islam) makes it clear that it is not limited to Shia fear of persecution. Written by Sami Mukaram, a former professor of Islamic studies at the American University of Beirut and author of 25 books on Islam, this book clearly demonstrates the great applicability of taqiyya:
"Taqiyya is of fundamental use in Islam. Virtually all Muslims agree and practice it. One can go so far as to say that it is a mainstream followed in Islam, and the few sectors that do not do so are very few. Taqiyya in modern Islam is prevalent for political uses. "
But it is not a purely Shiite phenomenon. Sunni Islam dominated large areas of Spain to China. As a result, their followers had no opponents or apologies for anything, they did not need to hide from the infidel (rare exceptions occurred in Spain and Portugal during the reconquest where the Sunnis hid their faith).
Ironically, however, Sunnis who currently live in the West find themselves, according to their perception, in the place of their Shiite brothers, that is, surrounded by traditional enemies - Christian infidels - even if they behave peacefully in those countries. To summarize, they act within the bosom of our societies as if they were surrounded by enemies, even if it is not real.

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