sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016

The majority of Muslims allowed into Europe honor these killings and call them Islamic conquests

It is time for people to stop buying the stories marketed by the Muslim ignorants or deceivers, the Islamic apologists, the Liberals, the mainstream media and the other idiotic leftists and go back to at least modern history not necessarily 1437 years ago. 1.5 million Armenians were slaughtered by Muslims in 1915. 800000 Assyrians in 1920 and 1 million Greeks during the Greek Revolution against Ottoman occupation. And to this day, the same genocides against Christians, Yazidis, Bahais and Atheists are still active in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mali, Ethiopia, Cameron, Algeria, Nigeria, Indonesia, Libya, Somalia, Bahrain, Yemen, Lebanon, Oghanda, Central Africa etc.
The majority of Muslims allowed into Europe honor these killings and call them Islamic conquests. ISIS today is replicating these conquests and more than 95% of Muslims support it secretly or openly, quietly or loudly, directly or indirectly, actively or passively, by any form and any kind. The ISIS's ideology is the same that every single Muslim on the planet is required to believe and to apply.
It all came from the same book sources and from the same prophet. Do not believe any Muslim who pretends to be against ISIS because no Muslim can act against what was mentioned in the Qur’an and Mohammedan rhetoric. Muslims in the west adapt a strategy called TAQIYYA, an Arabic word meaning dissimulation, or holy lies. They consider it powerful especially during times when they are not in power as it is the case in the West.
The Saudi army alone can crash ISIS in a matter of seconds if they want and if ISIS was really UN-Islamic or tarnish the image of Islam as some Muslim liars or ignorants pretend but they didn't and they will never do because all Arab and Islamic armies of the Muslim world know well that ISIS is a live application of Sharia and a faithful example of their prophet's life.
Al-Azhar Islamic University in Cairo, the most prestigious Sunni institution in the world, refuse to condemn or declare ISIS UN-Islamic, because all of ISIS's actions are based on Quranic verses and "Hadith/Sunna" (words and deeds) of Mohammed.
If ISIS was really UN-Islamic (as Muslims and their leftist useful idiots pretend) we would see by now thousands and thousands of Muslims in the streets of the world's capitals demonstrating against it, like those worldwide manifestations organized to protest against the Mohammed Danish Cartoons or the YouTube Mohammed's Video or against the Jews during the war in Gaza...But none of that happened or will ever happen one day, because Muslims know consciously or unconsciously, openly or secretly, loudly or quietly that ISIS is indeed Islamic.

Europe is now fully Islamized thanks to Angela Merkel and her bending over to Erdogan and Turkey!